Wednesday, October 17, 2007

reader response 2: huck finn (7-13)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Reader response 2: huck finn (7-13)

Tom sawyer has influenced Huck because Huck really looks up to tom. Huck respects tom sawyer and thinks he is cool. “Tom sawyer would ever go by this thing? Not for pie, he wouldn’t, he’d call it an adventure- that’s what he’d land on that wreck if it was his last act”.(chapter 12 page 50. paragraph 3.) I feel that tom is a negative influence on huck finn, I know huck likes tom but tom does bad things and if he hangs around tom I am pretty sure he will get into trouble, or bad things will happen.

Pap has influenced huck because pap does things that are not so smart so huck doesn’t want to be anything like him. Huck is pretty smart and pap isn’t too bright. “I didn’t want to go to school much, much before, but I reckoned id go now to spite pap.”{Chapter 6, page 17, paragraph 1.}pap influences huck in a negative way so huck does things to mack him mad, or to be the opposite of him..

widow douglas has influenced huck by telling him the right things to do. widow douglas trys to influnce huck in a positive way." i didnt see how id ever got to like it so well at the widows. where you had to wash, and eat on a plate, and comb up, and go to bed".{chapter 6,page 18, paragraph 2.} i think widow douglas has influenced huck in a very positive way because she has trying to teach him how to polite respectuful and a good person. she teaches him the right from the wrong.

Jim has influenced huck in a way like no one else can, he can be a positive influence and a negative influence on huck." jim said he reckoned that that the widow was partly right and pap was parttly right; so the best way would be for us to pick two or three things from the list and say we wouldnt borrow them anymore.- then he reckoned it wouldnt be no harm to borrow the others."{chapter 12, page 49, paragraph 3} i think jim is a positive influence because he is older and has seen things that huck hasent and can guide him towards the right path.

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